EBENTO enhances energy efficiency in buildings by developing an integrated one-stop-shop platform for all actors involved in building and renovation sector to better coordinate and manage Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), bringing together the needs from all actors involved in enhancing the building stock.


One stop shop

One unique platform working as a One-Stop-Shop (OSS) made up of 3 modules. The OSS provides in a one single place the tools needed for energy efficiency enhancement of buildings.

Building performance contract module

The main module of the platform, building performance contracts and guarantees work as a logbook for energy performance contracts and certificates.

Monitoring module

The module offers to the citizens and easy interface to understand how their building use energy, how the enhancement made them to save energy and money and how their quality life improves thanks to the comfort monitoring.

Simulation module

Thanks to Building Information Modelling (BIM), the simulation modules can provide the different stakeholders the best physical and economical option for enhance the building.



The Spanish pilot is based in Valencia and tests the EBENTO solutions in two type of buildings, public and private ones. The focus is on developing a strategy based on building typology for the city's most representative building stock to achieve greater impact and potential for replicating the improvements.


The Greek pilot is located in Athens to test the OSS tools un a bunch of houses, including apartments and semi-detached houses full equipped with sensors and intelligence.


The Estonian pilot demonstrates the One-Stop-Shop functionalities in an old building block of apartment representative for the type of construction in Tallinn. The block counts with 80 apartments and the renovations and enhancement have the municipality support to not only provide the citizens tools for save energy and money but also to enhance their living conditions.


The United Kingdom pilot focuses on retrofitting the houses of a specific are of Manchester. The pilot links their activities with the Levenshulme Area Based Scheme that is already underway and is looking to work with a specific number of householders. The pilot focuses on helping with the publics’ understanding of building retrofit and capacity to engage in measures. To do this it provides training for the building's occupiers and energy champions in the area.


A European partnership under Horizon Europe

The partnership aims to catalyse the transition to a people-centric, climate-neutral, sustainable and smart built environment. The Built4People (B4P) partnership brings together the whole value chain to accelerate people-centric innovation for a sustainable built environment EBENTO projects will work under the B4P partnerships and has the aim to contribute and participate in the activities organized by the partnership in order to promote their achievements and developments.

Over its 7-year span, B4P will channel nearly €400 million of EU funding to innovation in the sector and leverage an equivalent amount of private investment. The innovation catalysed will help ensure the built environment plays a key role in delivering the European Green Deal, sustaining the ambitious objectives of the Renovation Wave, and aligning with the bold aims of the New European Bauhaus. B4P is a co-programmed partnership in Horizon Europe’s Cluster 5 (Climate, Energy and Mobility). It brings together the European Commission (EC) and two leading associations, ECTP and WorldGBC, who together represent thousands of stakeholders and perspectives across the built environment – from research & innovation institutes to construction companies large and small.